Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack with Flat Top Cradle, Single Sided, Black Finish
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![Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack with Flat Top Cradle, Single Sided, Black Finish On Sale](
Price: $167.98 $164.86 ![Updated Price for Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack with Flat Top Cradle, Single Sided, Black Finish now](
![Purchase Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack with Flat Top Cradle, Single Sided, Black Finish low price](
Product Feature
- Maximum weight capacity of 225-pounds and stores any style of kayak, SUP or canoe
- Stores up to (2) kayaks off the ground and out of the way
- Sturdy steel frame with high-density foam padded cradles for safe and scratch-free storage
- Constructed of durable steel with a black finish
- Comes with a 1-year limited warranty
Product Description
The Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack has a 225-pound maximum weight capacity and is a convenient storage solution for any style of kayak, SUP or canoe. Constructed of durable steel with a black finish, this unit stores a maximum of (2) kayaks off the ground and out of the way. The KC-322 can be used in all weather conditions for indoor and outdoor use and features a sturdy steel frame with high-density foam padded cradles for safe and scratch-free storage. The exclusive flat top cradle is perfect for storing larger canoes and kayaks. The rack's sturdy 48-inch by 25-inch base prevents the rack from tipping over and keeps even the heaviest kayak stored securely. The heavy-duty rack fit kayaks and canoes with a length up to 20-feet and a hull size up to 30-inches wide and 18-inches deep. Sparehand's unique and accessible design saves space, while making it easy for you to grab and store kayaks and SUPs. This unit is quick to assemble with no drilling into walls or ceilings. The Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack comes with a 1-year limited manufacturer's warranty to protect against defects in material and workmanship. Stoneman Sports is dedicated to innovation and simplicity and specializes in high-quality lifestyle and sports products. Their expansive product offering includes bike racks, kayak carriers, grilling accessories and much more.
Stoneman Sports KC-322 Sparehand Laguna Plus Freestanding Double Kayak or Canoe Storage Rack with Flat Top Cradle, Single Sided, Black Finish Review
As others have noted, this is a nice kayak rack that is showroom quality, easily put together, and reasonably priced.
However, buyer beware. Inspect your package as soon as it arrives. I bought two of these racks, as well as 2 additional K-1 cradle kits so I could get my 6 kayaks stored for the winter. The shipping boxes looked fine, but the K-1 cradle arm brackets were busted. Unlike the rest of the box, the two arms in each kit are packaged together in their own compartment, but loosely so. The result, at least for me, was a bunch of broken mounting clips (the gray plastic clips which hold the cradle arm to the vertical support) which renders the cradle arms useless.
Rather than returning 2 40-lb boxes to Amazon, I swapped broken clips for good ones, so I now have 1 complete 3-boat rack. Rather than returning 1 40-lb box to Amazon, I contacted Sparehand to see if they'll send me the necessary replacements. If not, Amazon will be paying some serious postage for a handful of clips which weigh no more than a few ounces!
I will update this review once I hear (or not) from Sparehand. If the replacements are sent w/o problem, I'll upgrade this review to 4 stars (would be 5 stars, but packaging leaves a star to be desired). if not, we'll stay on 3.
In concept, yup, a nice rack. In assembly, also very sweet. Consider buying, but if you do, check the box ASAP.
31 December 2011 Update:
After setting up first rack and submitting, I finally got around to assembling the second rack. Or better to say, trying to assemble the second rack. Turns out, I didn't have all the parts and what I did have had problems - scrapes and scratches, dings, and bent. Several pieces could not be assembled as the welds put some of the screw mounts off-center (may not make sense here, but you'd understand if you had one in your hands). Wished I had known when I wrote initial review, but I didn't really pay attention to the second rack when I built the first rack. So it turns out I had to go back to Amazon for a replacement. The replacement arrived quickly and I set off to build it. But it was equally a mess and in the end it took parts from the 2d rack and the replacement rack to build a serviceable rack.
Still haven't heard from Sparehand, so my original review was not going to go up to 4 stars. But it isn't going to stand on 3 stars either. Based on the experience I had with the second and third racks, I'm taking away a star. Great concept, but horrible quality control in terms of build, materials choice, in box inventory, and packaging.
I like the rack and you might too. If you buy, be prepared for an ordeal - a 15-minute assembly stretching out to over a week while you spend more time corresponding with Sparehand and Amazon than assembling the kayak rack.
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